Immersive experiences have emerged as a cornerstone in shaping customer loyalty across diverse industries. In...
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Laurie Lehmann
Laurie Lehmann's Recent Articles
How Tokens & Tokenization Are Building Consumer Trust
You’ve likely travelled somewhere to find a street corner where goods are being sold, and asked yourself “Is that Gucci bag the real deal or is it a...
Women In Tech: Pioneering an Inclusive & Authentic Digital Frontier
Digital platforms offer unprecedented opportunities to voice diverse perspectives, share unique stories, and cultivate creativity. Yet, in this vast...
The Inspiration for Bringing “Hamilton” To Roblox
The iconic global Broadway musical, “Hamilton,” launched an experience on the largest global immersive platform, Roblox, an incredibly popular...
How Walmart is Engaging the Community on Emerging Platforms
Walmart is building and engaging community by meeting them where they are. Whether it is in the store, online, in the app, or on emerging platforms,...
Tokenizing Fandom & Brandom with Web3
Social platforms used to engage fans over the last decade are changing, as is the nature of live events. So, can Web3 help drive better fan...
Why a Spot Bitcoin ETF is Good News for Fortune 1000 Companies
On January 10, 2024, the SEC granted approval for spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds, or a BTC ETF, backed by Wall Street, a key regulatory step...
Delighting Customers in the Era of Web3: Merging Physical & Digital Experiences
The rapid evolution of Web3 technologies has ushered in a transformative era where the digital and physical worlds are increasingly converging. At...
How AR, VR & Web3 Technology Deepen Brand Connections with Consumers
Web3 has helped usher in a new era of technology that engages the youngest generations. Using AR (augmented reality) with giant billboards (think...
How Web3 is Enhancing Digital Marketing
For brand advertisers and marketers who are just learning about Web3 technology, one of the key things is to learn early about how to abstract away...