Accepting Crypto Payments

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September 23, 2022

Doing business online requires taking some form of payment: bank transfers, credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc. None of these come without security risks. Companies that do business online are continually concerned about ways to reduce those risks. That’s where the token payment system comes in, also known as crypto payments. Crypto payments are centered on blockchain technology. They offer increased security, faster payments, reduced fees, greater efficiency, and access to new markets.

If you’re interested in accepting crypto payments, there are a few options available. The most popular is to use a service like BitPay or Coinbase. These will allow you to accept payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other popular cryptocurrencies. However, these services typically charge fees of 1%–2% per transaction.

Another option is to use a cryptocurrency money processor like GoCoin or Coinify, which will allow you to accept crypto payments in multiple cryptocurrencies with negligible fees. These services typically require that you have your own wallet set up, so make sure to do your research before signing up.

Of course, if you’re feeling ambitious, you can always develop your own solution for accepting cryptocurrency funding. This option requires more work upfront, but it can be much more cost-effective in the long run if you’re processing a lot of transactions.

No matter which option you choose, make sure to let your customers know that you’re now accepting crypto payments. This will help you attract new customers and show that your business is on the cutting edge.

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